BSC Contract Address
0x93521c8c6AB1A0af419420CB71b8DE216aA0472bThe BEP-20 $COSMIC Token is the CLUBTOKEN of the COSMIC BOOST CLUB. It was released as a Community Token for COSMIC BOOST CLUB Members as well as collectible Token for Crypto Enthusiasts.
- Initial Supply: 409,620,481,024 $COSMIC Token
- 40B (~10% of the Supply) sent to 0x0…dEaD wallet
- Max. TX Amount: 1% of the Supply
- B/S Tax: 0/0
- TX fee: 3% -> 2% Auto LP / 1% Holder reflections
- No burn function
- No Marketing wallet
- No Dev wallet
- No Team wallet
- Contract Owner: renounced to 0x0…000
- Liquidity Pool: burned
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$COSMIC was created in May 2021 and right after creation, other Tokens with the same name were created by other people. We didn´t launch the COSMIC BOOST CLUB Website and $COSMIC for trading, because we didn´t want be used for creating a hype for other Projects and on the other hand the bear market started also at this time. In the meantime, these projects have been abandoned or disappeared completely and we have found that again $COSMIC Tokens have been created in 2023. This Tokens are marked with warnings in the Crypto market Platforms and we expressly point out that we are in no way connected to these projects.